Art by Nai Gai Hongcha

Art by Nai Gai Hongcha

Diamond in the Rough

Adaman || Seki

Crimson Mirelands

Like other young men and women in the Diamond Clan, Adaman trained his hardest to become a leader for their people. While his sister and friends managed to win over the hearts of the Lords, Adaman lacked any skill with the Celestica Flute and focused on his true talent: socializing. He could not take on the sacred duty of becoming a Warden, but he could still protect the clan and ensure peace for his people as Chief.When the Galaxy Team reached Hisui's shores, Adaman was quick to make contact, not wanting to waste any time that could be used to forge bonds. He was disappointed that they would not ally with him against the Pearl Clan, but the premise of peace between the natives made him even happier. Not being at one another's throats meant he could focus on practical defense against wild Pokémon, and keeping his hard-headed people out of trouble.


[This page will cover headcanons.]- Adaman's right arm is covered in scars from fights with wild Pokémon. A majority of them came from an Alpha Yanmega that was attacking a lost child. Adaman managed to defend the child and drive away the large Pokémon, but it's Air Slash caused many permanent marks. He keeps it bandaged to avoid dwelling on the past.
- He's had conflicts with some other rowdy Alphas, though the lack of bystanders meant he could get away easier. An Ursaring nearly drowned him, and a Tangrowth threw him into a wall. Both left him pretty badly beat up, but without long lasting injuries.


Adaman has gained a small group of companion Pokémon, mainly in recent times. While he doesn't partake in any regular form of battle competition, he still finds them fascinating, and seeks to work together with the creatures for a better future.Only a few of them actively travel with him, while others remain in their habitats and answer his calls.


Leafeon, The Verdant Pokémon

An Eevee that his father rescued from the swamps of Gapejaw Bog, who stayed in the village with Adaman's family. They became very close over the years, and he evolved into a Leafeon.Leafeon's preferred moves are Leaf Blade, Double-Edge, Mimic, and Calm Mind. He has a Naughty Nature.

Umbreon, The Moonlight Pokémon

Met as an Eevee in the Horseshoe Plains while Adaman was investigating the lightning from the Space-Time Rift. He later evolved during the night into an Umbreon.Umbreon's preferred moves are Dark Pulse, Swift, Psychic, and Baby-Doll Eyes. He has a Modest Nature.

Vaporeon, The Bubble Jet Pokémon

Like the others, he was found as an Eevee on the Avalanche Slopes. He was given a Water Stone found by a Diamond Clan miner, and evolved into Vaporeon.Vaporeon's preferred moves are Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Aqua Jet, and Rest. He has a Mild Nature.

Yanmega, the Ogre Darner Pokémon

The same Alpha Yanmega that scarred Adaman's arm several years prior. When they met once more, the chieftain impressed the giant bug and gained it's support. Yanmega still lives in the wild but will accompany Adaman when requested.Alpha Yanmega's preferred moves are Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Shadow Ball, and Ancient Power. She has a Rash Nature.

Hippowdon, The Heavyweight Pokémon

While searching for a bag dropped by one of his clansmen, a Hippowdon emerged from the swamp and nearly swallowed him whole. After a skirmish with Leafeon and Vaporeon, she became docile and fished the bag out of the mud. While Ursaluna scours the surface, Adaman can rely on Hippowdon to dig sinking items, people, and Pokémon out of the Mirelands' bogs. She enjoys a fight now and then, but usually relaxes in her preferred mud puddle.Hippowdon's preferred moves are High Horsepower, Crunch, Double-Edge, and Rest. She has a Lax Nature.

Honchkrow, the Big Boss Pokémon

An Alpha Honchkrow continually led his Murkrow underlings to steal supplies from travellers and villagers alike, so Adaman set out to stop their mischief. After their whole murder was whooped, Honchkrow bowed his head to the Chief. The Big Boss carries Adaman around like Sabi's Braviary, though he just holds onto the bird's talons instead of having a special harness.Alpha Honchkrow's preferred moves are Night Slash, Brave Bird, Giga Impact, and Roost. He has a Jolly Nature.

Toxicroak, the Toxic Mouth Pokémon

When investigating reports of an oddly colored Psyduck, Adaman was attacked by a Toxicroak that spit poison in his face. Blinded and without his partners, he had to listen to the frog's breathing and slugged it in the throat. Once his eyes could open, Toxicroak had been sitting patiently. He never seemed to expect a human to have any combat skill, and follows Adaman around to find good fights and smash some rocks now and then.Toxicroak's preferred moves are Poison Jab, Close Combat, Earth Power, and Nasty Plot. He has a Lonely Nature.